Church Announcements

Unified Service/ Town Hall:

This Sunday, July 28th, the Leadership Team will hold a Town Hall meeting after a Unified Service. We will gather in the Sanctuary for worship at 10:00, and the meeting will be directly afterward at approximately 11:00. Please submit questions for the Leadership Team at . Your bulletin can be found by clicking the link if you are joining the unified service online:

Pictorial Directory:

We have some exciting news to share! A new pictorial directory is being planned for late September. An organizational meeting is set for August 13th at 10 a.m. If you can offer some short-time help with this project, please contact Ria in the church office. Alternatively, there is a form in the narthex and Asbury Hal that you can fill out to volunteer.

Daily Bread: Our next volunteer opportunity at Daily Bread in the North Side is August 4th. Please contact Wade and Deb Saucier if you are willing to help by cooking on the preceding Friday or Saturday or delivering and serving on Sunday. Our North Side neighbors LOVE desserts. If you can't help otherwise, please consider baking something for them. Items can be dropped off in the Asbury kitchen on August 4th. 

Dinner and Discussion:

Join us at the next Dinner and Discussion, where we'll explore the fifth half-truth from Adam Hamilton's book: "Love the sinner, hate the sin." We will provide burgers. Please sign up to bring a side or dessert using the QR code or by visiting New attendees are always welcome! Come for fellowship and a delicious meal. We'll meet in Asbury Hall on August 13th at 6 pm.

United Methodist Men Laity Scholarship: In appreciation and in recognition of their contributions to the life and history of Baldwin Community United Methodist Church, the men of BCUMC establish this annual post-secondary award in memory of the Laity of this church. There may be one or more recipients, regardless of gender, who are on the active roles of this church. The awards shall be used to assist the educational development of the recipient regardless of his/her choice of vocational study. This Church's active members and clergy are eligible to submit the required application. Forms are available here or in the church office. Completed forms should be submitted to the United Methodist Men at the church office or emailed to Jerry Rohland at , attention, 2024 Laity Award. no later than noon on August 23, 2024.

Farewell to Bishop Cynthia: After eight years of ministry as our Episcopal leader, Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi is concluding her role in Western Pennsylvania and has been assigned to lead the Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey conferences. The WPA Episcopacy Committee invites you to join us in bidding Bishop Moore-Koikoi a heartfelt farewell that celebrates our common ministry together. All are invited to attend. Please register here:

Blood Drive: We are excited to announce that we are hosting a blood drive on August 28th from 1 PM to 6 PM in Wesley Hall! Your generous donation can help save lives and make a huge difference in our community. Whether you are a regular donor or it's your first time, we welcome you to join us and contribute to this vital cause. Every drop counts! 

  • Date: August 28th
  • Time: 1 PM - 6 PM
  • Location: Wesley Hall

Let's come together and make this blood drive a huge success. Sign up here.

Save the Date:  

Kickoff Sunday will be on September 8th. This will include the return of the Childcare Center, Sunday School, Youth Ministry Mornings, and Chancel Choir. Additionally, we will have a picnic here at 5 pm. Watch for more details soon!

New Study:

Mark your calendars for Wednesday evenings: September 11, 18, and 25 for a study of Jonah for Normal People: A Guide to the Most Misunderstood Prophet of the Bible. We will meet in the Parlor at 7 p.m. Sign-up will start later this summer, but feel free to pick up the book anytime. It’s available on Amazon. Jonah’s encounter with a big fish is one of the Bible's most widely recognized—and misunderstood—stories. In this highly accessible guide to the book of Jonah, Jared Byas invites modern-day readers to explore the context behind the story and consider the questions Jonah’s early audience faced: questions about the relationship between justice and mercy, what it means to be a worshipper of Yahweh (and who gets to be one), and what happens when God doesn’t act how we would like. Through explorations of genre, language, history, themes, and theology, Byas skilfully guides us on a journey with Jonah into the depths of the unknown and finds many of these questions are still relevant today. We hope you will join us as Pastor Pam leads this exciting study.